Two Years In Business and Counting


Wow!  It’s pretty amazing that I’ve already been in business for two years!   Wahoo!  I have to admit that I’m pretty excited about that :)  In some ways it feels like I just started yesterday, and in others, it’s amazing to look back and see how far I’ve come.  I have learned so many things over the last two years and so many things have changed in my life since then.  And I am still learning and continuing to grow everyday.  The biggest adjustment that I have made and am still working on this year is learning to be a full-time photographer AND a full-time mommy.  I love my son with all my heart and I also love doing photography – the trick is finding the balance between the two.  I definitely understand the term multitasking more so now than I ever have.  I also have a new appreciation for efficiency.  Take stores for example – when I can get in and out and find everything I need from Cheerios to candles and an air filter, I have made a major accomplishment for the day.  And I only had to unload our son once – booyah!  Haha, yes, I did use the word “booyah” :)

But I think what I have learned most over the last two years is that it’s all about the little things.  The simple, yet deep and loving look that a groom gives his bride on their wedding day.  The moving tears that are shed over images that tell a story that no words can express.  The gracious hug from a client who cannot be more appreciative of the services you’ve given her.  The moment when you walk into a client’s home and you see the artwork you created for them hanging prominently on their walls – it elicits a feeling like no other.

And beyond the photography, I’ve learned it’s about spending time with the ones you love and finding balance in life.  I feel so grateful to be able to witness the “firsts” in my son’s life.   Spending quality time with my husband and our dog is very important to me, and remembering to pray and not get caught up in the small ailments of life is a must.  I’ve also learned to dream big and set tangible goals to go after those dreams.

But I feel like so many of those dreams and goals can get lost and often times overlooked by the “everydays” of life.  How many of you have projects that you’ve started and never finished?  Do you have ambitions to move forward in your job or business but just haven’t done it yet?  Do you want to do more with your family? Are you not sure where to start with any of it?  I heard a great quote on a television show recently – “There’s thinking about doing something and just doing it.”  I have done so much thinking, wishing and dreaming, which are all really great things, but I’m now ready to start “doing” them.  There are so many parts of life that I feel I can never truly “complete,” but that’s not always a bad thing.  I want to take this next month to begin putting pieces in place to go after the dreams and ambitions I have for my family, my business and me personally.

So how do I start?  I am the queen of making lists, and sometimes I’m great at marking things off, and at other times, well, not so much.  Mostly, I tend to put too many things on my list and I never end up finishing it.  So for now, I am going to begin by making a short list each week of 2-3 small accomplishments I’d like to do and then set out to complete them by the end of that week. My hope is this will keep me focused on those goals and not get distracted with the other parts of life that creep up on me when I least expect it.  So for this week, here is what I’m setting out to do:

  • Personal: Continue a bible study I’m doing with my husband during the season of Lent – continue to read each passage daily to be in His word and to not be overwhelmed when the end of the week comes
  • Family: Make a point to find something to be grateful for everyday and share that with my husband – even the cries from my child because that means he’s alive and breathing :)
  • Photography goal: To create/print a series of artistic prints and prepare for the Oscar Night session I am doing with the Hancock County Red Cross on Saturday

If you’re feeling bowled over by the busyness of life, I encourage you to make your own small tangible list, and then take a few small steps to accomplish those items.  I’d be interested to hear what ambitions/goals you have set out for yourself – feel free to comment below :)  My plan is to  update you with a new blog post next week to let you know how I did on my tasks and have a brand new set to work on then.  Here’s to making things happen!