A New Chapter | Findlay, OH Photographer


What an incredible last couple of months it has been!  It’s been awhile since I’ve written, mostly due to how my world changed drastically when we welcomed our newborn son into the world at the end of October.  He has captured a very special place in my heart that can never be replaced with anything else.  Motherhood has been quite the adventure, as I expected it would be, learning how to do everything from swaddling and feeding my baby to balancing time with my amazing husband and our dog who have been complete angels through this transition.

Because our son came a bit early, it put me behind in editing a couple of sessions I had done at the beginning of October, but I am excited to say that I am now completely caught up :)  Since finishing those jobs, I have started to work on newborn photography, and guess who gets to be the star model of the show??   I am pleased to introduce our little Micah :)