A one-year old’s sweet birthday

Child Photography, Export, Portrait Photography

There is so much to be said for the first year of a young one’s life. A million and one changes happen, and it’s incredible to watch him/her move from dependent immobile infancy to being able to crawl, roll, smile, take a wobbly stand, and possibly walk just 12 months later.  When I think back to how each of my little guys changed in those first months of life, it’s pretty remarkable to remember how fast things moved.  I remember the heartwarming moment when each of them offered me the sweetest smile when they learned their names and the proud excitement I felt when they each took their first steps.

I was taken back to these emotions when Jan contacted me about documenting her little girl’s first birthday.  I was thrilled to talk with her about providing memories for this important milestone as she told me about her sweet baby girl, Hannah. Jan mentioned it was important to her to capture her little girl’s personality and the love they shared within their family. After getting to know her daughter’s smile and the sparkle of happiness that touched her eyes with each smile, we got to do just that.

A sweet girl’s birthday

From talking with Jan and then seeing her and her husband Juan interact with their precious daughter, it was evident that family was important to them and that this particular day held so much meaning.  From the intimate décor in their house to the thoughtful prayers that were shared that day, it was apparent that God and faith play a major role in their lives.

The attention to detail that Jan and her family put into her little girl’s party was amazing! From the exquisite cake made by a family friend to the signs placed around the yard and the games and crafts they had for kids, it was a party fit for a little princess.

And the highlight of Hannah’s birthday bash? The bounce house of course :)

The day wrapped up with the birthday girl tasting her first bite of cake and smearing a few chocolaty crumbs around her tray. Though she was unsure of it at first, a little coaxing from her mom and dad quickly taught her that she could get more of the decadent dessert by eating from her own hand.

It was fun to see little Hannah open her gifts, and one of my favorite moments was watching her dad sprinkle a shower of confetti on her head from one of the envelopes she received. She enjoyed trying to catch the small pieces and we got to hear some of her sweet laughs.

Raleigh baby milestone photography – Do you know a little one who’s turning one?

I so enjoyed getting to know this family and capturing some sweet memories for them to have of their precious daughter. Do you know someone who has a little one getting ready to celebrate his/her first birthday? I’d love to talk to them about doing a one-year milestone session!  Contact me today to share your story – I look forward to hearing from you!