It’s live! It’s finally published! And I’m thrilled to share it with the world :-)

If we haven’t met before, I am Kate, the photographer behind the lens at Kate Cherry Photography, LLC. I’m happy you’re here!

This website transformation process started quite some time ago as I thought over what I could do differently once we moved to North Carolina. I knew I wanted to focus my business and I really wanted to concentrate on making positive differences in families as two became one and grew from there, but I knew I had to make some big changes to make that happen. How was I going to be different? What kind of site did I need to really resonate with the audience I was trying to target? How would I best serve brides-to-be planning one of the biggest days of their lives as well as beautiful new mommas as they started welcoming children into their world? I knew I had to change up my largest window to the world to better display my portfolio and my message and I knew that was going to take some time and planning.

Earlier this year in talking over my ideas with a fellow colleague in the wedding industry, the idea of “Beautiful Beginnings” was born. The more I thought about this phrase and concept, the more I felt like everything I was doing fell into this line of thought.

“My whole passion is really to capture the beautiful beginnings of families as they start their journey and grow,” I was saying. ‘Whether it is a bride saying ‘I do’ to the love of her life and watching her start her life as one with her significant other, celebrating with a new mom who just found out she is pregnant or being with a mom who is adoring her sweet newborn in her arms, those are the moments I want to capture for people. They’re more than photographs. They’re memories that are looked back on for years to come and are shared with their children grandchildren as years go by. It’s the beginning of a new story for them.“

It was in that moment, I knew what I wanted to do and I started brainstorming ideas.

Though the process took several months, thanks to my lovely intern Addison (read more about Addison here) who has been helping finesse the content for my site, I am finally able to share my site with the world. Though I have several other items I want to add to my site over the next couple of months, I’m glad to have something beautiful to showcase the images of so many lovely couples and families I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the last 6+ years.

Thank you to everyone for your love and support and following me through this journey. It’s been quite a road and I look forward to more exciting opportunities and wonderful clients in the future!  Feel free to take a look around!  Start with the home page and you can work your way around to the different sections and pages :-)