Love & Laughter | A Raleigh engagement session

Wedding Photography

The temperatures were warm, the sun was at the perfect angle, and Katie & Justin couldn’t have been more perfect together. As I had Justin whisper in Katie’s ear, had them dance together and simply be, they both were absolutely great and fell into perfect step as we went through their engagement session.

When I first met Katie, I immediately connected with her and loved her personality and spirit. She shared all about the wedding she was planning, a bit about her family, and of course, how she met Justin and how he proposed to her while horseback riding.

Katie told me that she and Justin met on a blind date and that her twin sister, who happens to be engaged to Justin’s best friend, had a hand to play in them meeting :) Justin told me later he wasn’t even planning on going on the date that brought he and Katie together, but decided at the last minute to go anyway, and the rest was history :)

The night we met for their engagement session was the first time I met Justin. I could tell right away that he was completely taken by Katie. The way he was attentive to her needs and would love on her the way any devoted man would, was really sweet to watch.

I can’t wait to capture the sweet moments of their wedding day in October. The ceremony/reception will be held at Thorndale Oaks in Oxford, and is sure to be a beautiful affair. With faith and family being a big part of who they are as a couple, I have no doubt the day and evening will be filled with a lot of love and laughter.

Are you or someone you know getting married soon? I’d love to talk with you about your story and the plans you have for your big day. Contact me today, and we can start chatting about the dreams you have planned for your beautiful wedding :)