Business Coworking Space in Lexington, SC

Business Photography, Personal Branding

To all my fellow business entrepreneurs out there, it can be TOUGH to work from home, especially when you have littles and a family to tend to daily.  Can I get an amen?  I’m sure so many of you have experienced this in 2020 with the COVID-19 crisis going on.  We all have new “routines” (or lack there of) and new coworkers – namely our children and/or spouses.  Bless our kids, but they don’t quite understand the need for parents to have uninterrupted time to get their jobs done. 

But there’s hope!  I had the pleasure of meeting Kiri Rawson a few weeks ago who gave me a tour of a phenomenal business coworking space in Lexington, SC called CoCreate.  If you’re not familiar with coworking spaces and how they function, they offer a place for cultivating a great community that offers space for entrepreneurs and business owners alike to have their own space to work and meet clients.  

There’s something to be said for having a space away from your everyday home life to get things done.  Studies have shown people are more productive with their time because the list of distractions goes down drastically when you can step away from the hustle and bustle of home.  There’s not a washing machine beeping at you, begging to get clothes into the dryer.  There’s not the interruption of a young child who needs a snack or a drink of water.  And just the change of environment in general can be great for the mind to engage in a new line of thought and put ideas down on paper.  

One thing that stood out to me about CoCreate was the inspirational environment that Kiri created for her office mates.  Everywhere I looked there were inspirational quotes, places for people to think and brainstorm and even a full-size community kitchen that helps facilitate discussion around the coffee maker and water cooler.  

Started in August of 2018, CoCreate began as a way to build community among entrepreneurs in Lexington, SC.  With top speed internet, access to various resources including a media room and bookshelf of various self-help articles and books, there are tools for everyone to benefit from and use regularly.  

“When people gather together,  amazing things happen. When we are supported we get more done,” said Heather Nieves, owner of I Love Me Yoga and CoCreate member.  “Kiri made the process simple and made me feel welcome.  When we went virtual, I was invited to do group meditations for the members. I absolutely felt more productive when I was there so I 100% recommend a coworking community!”

Thinking that CoCreate might be a great fit for you and your business?  Different membership levels are available depending on your needs and wants for your particular business.  To learn more about CoCreate and see if it might be a great fit for you, visit and schedule your tour today! 

I’d love to learn more about your business and how it’s helping influence the community! Head over to my contact page to send me a message and we can find a time to chat!