Capture Your Brand’s Best Side with Professional Photography

Business Photography

A recent interview with Adobe Express

Every business needs to make a good impression, and one way to do that is with quality images. Investing in professional photography services is essential for any business, whether you are a small business or a large corporation. You start to see results with with professional photography, as it can influence the perception of your company and what you offer resulting in potential clients trusting your brand because you’re seen as credible and professional.

Recently, I spoke with the team at Adobe Express about the advantages of having a professional photographer capture branding images for a business or entrepreneur.  Read below about the various tips I shared:

People buy with their eyes

Have you ever heard the old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words?  It’s because so much can be said in a photograph without ever having to put a word to it.  Picture a scene with a nicely dressed business woman in a city-like setting, joyfully looking at her phone, possibly laughing at something she sees on the screen.  She’s wearing knee-high brown boots and a classic long red coat coupled with a short white dress, her dark hair drifting a bit in the wind.  Without ever having to put a word to the image, think about the assumptions you make of her and her surroundings already – likely successful, happy, seems to have it together, is someone who looks like she could talk to anyone, loves the city life and works hard for what she wants.  

All of those perceptions matter when it comes to deciding to trust a brand.  Is the brand authentic?  Could I see myself resonating with this brand and getting behind their message?  Can I be successful like the person or influencer in the photograph?  The power of photography is incredible and matters so much when it comes to building a know, like, and trust factor with your audience and potential clients/customers.  

Quality Images Can Boost Your Sales and Improve Trust

Just like the example described above, professional photographs take your images to the next level compared to amateur photos and can be used in various ways on websites, social media posts, advertisements, and more. Having quality images provides an increase in visibility for your brand, which increases the chances of customers engaging with your content and/or buying whatever product or service you are selling. Higher-definition photography on social media comes across as more polished, professional and therefore trusted, so consumers will be more likely to trust the source.  This can also lead to increased sales. Customers who fall in love with a brand become loyal followers, which is crucial for businesses of all sizes, as it is much less expensive to keep a customer than it is to attract a new one.

Share New Products Or Services

When you showcase your products or services, show them personally!  Better than showing just an image of what you make or offer in the way of service is showing you in that image displaying or talking about how your product or service can make a difference in someone’s life.  The more you can make images relatable, the more someone will start to believe it can make a difference in their life too.  

Pros Can Provide Valuable Resources And Advice

When working with professional photographers, they are available to provide guidance throughout a session to make sure you’re getting the most cohesive set of images possible to maximize your marketing efforts.  Walking through a planning session beforehand offers valuable insight to what works best for your specific brand so your images are unique to you and don’t necessarily copy the same trends you see everywhere.  

Additionally, pros can advise businesses on how best to use their photos once they’re completed, so that they get the most out of their investment. They may also be able to connect you with potential partners or vendors.

Professional photographers can also provide valuable resources such as lighting kits, props, and backdrops, which not only helps make the photo session run smoother, but also ensures that all photos look great and similarly edited when finished. 

You Can Make Different Projects With The Completed Images

Once you have finished your photo session, you not only have access to high-quality photos, but also ideas for future projects such as creating videos or other marketing materials. This allows you to get even more from your investment by exploring different types of content. Adobe Express, as an example, can help with an array of free online services; here are just a few you can choose from:

  • Make a brochure for your business that showcases your products or tells new customers all about you. This is an excellent way to garner sales. It’s also helpful when your business is represented at a convention or networking event.
  • Make a business card background that is in line with your brand. Add your logo, contact info, and headshot for a professional touch that will help clients or investors remember you. No design experience needed!
  • Design a professional banner for LinkedIn and show potential customers or clients what you’re all about. This is an easy way to catch their eye and show off your personality a the same time. Make sure the finished banner uses an easy-to-read font for maximum effectiveness.
  • Create a custom Facebook ad in just minutes with this free tool. You can add your company’s colors and other branding info for easy visibility. Once it’s finished, you can upload the ad to other social media accounts as well.

Professional photography should be considered an essential part of any business strategy, due to its ability to offer increased visibility for brands and build trust with customers. With the right plan, you can maximize your photos by using free like the Adobe tools and take your business marketing to the next level. An experienced professional photographer can help by providing their unique artistic eye for your brand.

Want to talk about how your brand can be elevated with professional photography?  Use the contact form here and reach out today to start the conversation!