Business Photography
Newborn Photography
Maternity Photography
Senior Photography


I’M kate! columbia sc branding and portrait photographer


There's nothing that excites me more than making my clients look and feel their best!  I enjoy offering tips to moms and business owners as well as lifting up seniors in one of the most exciting times of their lives.  Dive in to articles below about the Columbia SC and Lexington SC area mixed with client sessions and more. 


Family Photography
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This year has been a busy, fast-paced, fun and exciting learning-experience, and one that I will not soon forget in the way of photography.  It’s hard to believe that 2012 is tomorrow.  I had the opportunity to work with some great people in 2011 and wanted to take this time to reflect back on some […]

My favorite images from 2011 – Findlay, Ohio portrait photographer

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Hello to all of my fellow readers!  I apologize for being MIA for awhile…my hope was to have several blog posts done last month and into this month, but between being out of town for a majority of November, working on a commercial job, placing orders for the Christmas season and being a bit under […]

A reflection on my favorite season – Findlay, OH portrait photographer

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I so enjoyed my time working with Amanda and her two sons during their family photo session.  We started the evening out by going to the park.  It took only a few minutes before the oldest one was asking me to take his picture after he would strike a pose :)

The Shinkle’s Family Portraits – Findlay, Ohio family portrait photographer

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Oh my gosh, I had so much fun working with Coral to capture her senior portraits in the last part of September.  Many things made this session great, including the weather – it was pouring the day before, and even rained the day after, so we lucked out with a beautiful mist over the water […]

Coral’s Senior Portraits – Findlay, OH Senior Portrait Photographer

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Wow, time is moving fast this year.  The last several weeks have been quite busy with as many as four sessions in a week!  And I’m loving every minute of it.  As the beautiful colors of fall move in, I wanted to look back at one of the last sessions I did right before school […]

The Copelands – Ohio Lifestyle Portrait Photographer

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I had a great time photographing the Smith family earlier this summer.  They were a fun family from out of state that happened to be visiting their family in the Findlay area for a few months, and I was asked to take some family lifestyle portraits for them.

The Smith Family – Lifestyle Portrait Photography

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This past weekend, I had the privilege of having my parents up for a visit.   It’s always good to see them, and recently, my dad has been asking for some tutorials in photography.  It worked out that the week they came to visit, the Flag City Balloon Festival in Findlay was going on. 

Flag City BalloonFest Photography 2011 in Findlay, OH

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Over the last several months, the term “busy” doesn’t seem to do enough justice for how much has been happening both in photography and for me personally!  I had several portrait sessions in the months of May and June and helped with several weddings in the process of all of that. 

It’s All About the Balance | Photography

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I did a lot of traveling in the month of May!  During my trip, I had the opportunity to see my brother-in-law’s college graduation at James Madison University.  It brought back a lot of memories of my college years and graduation, and it was nice to reminisce with my husband.   I’m excited to see where […]

A Tribute to Graduating Seniors

Portrait Photography, Uncategorized
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Ah, what it would be to be a kid again!  I’ve decided that one of my favorite subject matters to photograph is children.  They have such an innocent nature about them, and what’s happening right then and there is the most important thing in the world – no stress over bills to pay or where […]

Photographing children is so fun!

Portrait Photography, Uncategorized