Meet Elizabeth


I am so excited to blog about a session I did of the fabulous Elizabeth Weddington of Studio Seventy-Nine :)  It’s not very often I get to photograph fellow photographers, but Elizabeth asked me several months ago (prior to my son’s birth) to get some natural promo shots of her that she could use for her business and marketing purposes.  We decided springtime would be best since the weather in Ohio is usually a bit nicer by then and it would be after the initial adjustments of me learning to be a first-time mom :)  I was thrilled she asked me to be her photographer and I of course said, “Yes!  I would love to!”


We set up the date and decided to use downtown Findlay as our setting.  In normal Ohio-fashion, the weather did not cooperate with us for the first date we set, and due to our schedules getting busy with photography sessions, we had to push it back a bit further.  Once we set our second date and all the pieces came together for it to be nice outside, Elizabeth and I met up and had a blast.  For any photographers reading this, have you ever had one of those sessions where you felt like all of the pieces came together to make your session pretty close to perfect?  I had one of those nights working with Elizabeth.  I could not have asked for a better subject, better location, lighting, atmosphere, even the wind worked in our favor that night :)

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What was amazing too was that Elizabeth was a real trooper – you can’t even tell through the images that it was around 48 degrees with wind (I had my jacket all zipped up around my neck with a small scarf and long pants on with closed-toed shoes!)   It looks like it was a beautiful 70-degree day because Elizabeth was that natural and worked the camera brilliantly.

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If you get a chance, you should definitely check out Elizabeth’s work – she’s pretty amazing :)   I’m so glad I had the chance to photograph her and that we’ve had the opportunity to help each other out on several photography sessions.  Such a great person and friend  :)