Summer Into Fall – My Favorite Time of Year | Ohio Portrait Photographer


I can’t believe how quickly summer went by this year!  I’m excited we’re approaching the crisp days of fall, but I am definitely going to miss those warm days of summer.  Perhaps this year was especially fast because I am a full-time mommy now along with running a business, so downtime no longer exists :)


Coupled among various sessions I did this summer was a beach trip with the family that we took in August.  It was so nice to see family we hadn’t seen in quite sometime and to spend some time on the sand and in the waves.   It was great to see my son and nephew meet for the first time, and they got along beautifully!  The sweetest part was when my nephew Cooper decided to hand Micah a toy so he could play and have fun too :)   Micah graciously accepted the kind offer and before long had a pile of new things to explore in front of him!

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Fall is shaping up to be another busy season, and it’s always one of my favorites :)  The colorful leaves, pumpkin spice lattes, crisp air and brilliant golden sun make it a time to which I always look forward.   I’m excited I get the opportunity to work with high school seniors this fall, photograph a wedding, work with little ones, families and photograph a maternity session before it’s all over.   I wouldn’t want it any other way!


Thank you to all of you who have helped my business and life become what it is today.  I am so appreciative of the support and encouragement and couldn’t be more blessed with the opportunities that have come my way.  So thank you again :)  It means more than I can say in words.