One Year and Counting…


Today is a very special day in our little household.  This time one year ago I was in the hospital anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little boy into the world.  He graced our presence faster than we expected and it was clear that everything was in God’s perfect timing.  Everyone says that time flies, especially when you have kids, and they’re right.  It has been a wild ride over the last 12 months, and I couldn’t imagine my life being any different.   As a mom, I now find myself wrapped up in the emotions of life more than ever – special times mean more to me.  Little things such a smile from my son or quality time in the morning as my son uses me as his personal jungle gym are things I may have once overlooked had I not been blessed by this little life; but now, everything means something.  The big things, the small things.  And I don’t ever want to take them for granted.


Perhaps that’s why I’m so passionate about taking pictures.  It’s not just a photograph to put away somewhere and then one day look back and remember when; it’s true art to be appreciated now and always.  It’s something that has more meaning and value than just colors/inks on paper or canvas.  It tells a story about you in that moment, your family and those you love.

This last year has been a whirlwind with joys and hard times learning to balance a business with being a new full-time mommy, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  My son has inspired me in many ways making me realize I am truly passionate about capturing the precious milestones of a little one during his/her first year of life and being there to capture memories for new families as they start their path with “I do.”  As I look to the future of where my business is headed, I see myself focusing more and more on these types of photography and it makes my heart happy :)  There is nothing more gratifying than being able to be part of and capture the priceless moments between loved ones.

So thank you, my sweet boy, for being my inspiration and my muse.  To many more special days like this to come :) Happy birthday today and every day :)
