Anticipation – Celebrating Pregnancy and What’s to Come

Maternity Photography

I can’t believe 2013 is already coming to a close and 2014 is just around the corner.  All in all, it’s been a good year, and I always enjoy looking back and remembering favorite sessions that I was blessed to capture.  One of the last sessions I photographed in 2013 was an amazing couple and the sweet moments they shared between one another as they celebrated their first pregnancy.   Their little bundle of joy is expected at the beginning of 2014 and I can’t wait to meet her!


I was elated when Brynn asked me to capture this special time in her and Andi’s life, and even more excited when she said she’d like to do the session at her parent’s house in Mt. Cory OH.   What a gorgeous location!  Though it ended up being a little chilly, the evening was perfect and we couldn’t have asked for better.  A barn, a field, some woods and leaves with a beautiful couple in love and excited about their little one to come = perfection :)

So as 2014 approaches, enjoy these images as anticipation heightens with new birth and new beginnings!

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What was great when we were taking these images is that Brynn & Andi’s little one was kicking and letting her momma know she was alive and well :)

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