It’s hard to believe we’re already well on our way into another year. I laugh now as I find myself repeating what my parents always used to say: “Time is moving so fast!”

Around this time every year, I look back at the year that just passed and wonder what the next year will look like and how it will be different. As many photography business owners do, I enjoy looking through images of my past sessions and weddings and remembering the moments captured and the lives that were changed with the memories we captured on the other side of my lens.

This year is no different, as I think back to the many moms and brides who I had the pleasure of meeting and the stories that were shared. There were many highlights and milestones – lots of laughter, I do’s, first steps, and a lot of love.  And though I wish I could insert 100 photos of remarkable moments and people, here are a few of the best moments of 2017:

One of my favorite times is when I get the chance to meet with clients after our time together, and tears form in their eyes because they are moved by what they see. That, along with seeing my client’s artwork hung in prominent places in their home is what makes my heart happy and brings me a joy to know that what I’m doing has a purpose. There’s nothing better than giving them something they love so much that they want to display it in a place they can see it everyday and smile.

I never know exactly how the next year is going to unfold, but there are several things I’m looking forward to in 2018. In combination with a handful of gorgeous brides I will get to photograph, there are several babies I will be documenting during their first year of life. Those milestone moments are so sweet, as it’s incredible to me how much these little ones change in such a short time.  I have a few trips planned for 2018 and the rest is wide open for opportunities and to see how things will unfold. I have no doubt it will be an adventure. Here’s to another great year of making memories and changing lives :)

I’d love to hear about your story and help you tell that story through images in 2018.  Contact me today and we can schedule a time to chat!