Business Photography
Newborn Photography
Maternity Photography
Senior Photography


I’M kate! columbia sc branding and portrait photographer


There's nothing that excites me more than making my clients look and feel their best!  I enjoy offering tips to moms and business owners as well as lifting up seniors in one of the most exciting times of their lives.  Dive in to articles below about the Columbia SC and Lexington SC area mixed with client sessions and more. 


Family Photography
the post

It was a day in January when the e-mail came across my inbox, and though I wasn’t expecting it, the opportunity had exciting possibilities and it was something worth considering. Though I hadn’t planned on hiring a photography intern for the summer, I wondered if this could possibly be an answer to a prayer I’d […]

A Photography Internship with Kate Cherry

Export, Photography Business, Portrait Photography
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There is so much to be said for the first year of a young one’s life. A million and one changes happen, and it’s incredible to watch him/her move from dependent immobile infancy to being able to crawl, roll, smile, take a wobbly stand, and possibly walk just 12 months later.  When I think back to […]

A one-year old’s sweet birthday

Child Photography, Export, Portrait Photography
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I remember the myriad of choices I had to make when planning our wedding day. Finding the best venue, choosing the best date while working around busy calendars, and deciding on the best photographers were all at the top of my list.  What made it especially challenging for me was trying to plan it all […]

Planning a Raleigh wedding

Export, Uncategorized, Wedding Photography
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Happy spring! I can’t believe Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and this year, I am excited to announce that I will be offering Spring Family Mini Sessions in Wake Forest, NC! Being a mom is hard work and trying to get sweet memories of your little ones when you’re in the frantic rush […]

Spring Family Mini Sessions in Wake Forest

Child Photography, Export, Family Photography, Portrait Photography
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The excitement is running high and you still can’t believe that your life is about to change. You look down at your hand at the beautiful ring that was just placed there and a myriad of thoughts run through your mind as you try to conceive what all of this means. There is pure joy […]

5 Tips for Finding the Perfect Wedding Photographer

Export, Wedding Photography
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Motherhood. There is so much wrapped up in that one single word. Everyone has their own understanding of it, what it means to them, what they think about when they read it or hear it spoken. There’s one thing for sure, though… being a mom is no joke. The moments we cherish, and those we […]

A Day in the Life of Motherhood

Child Photography, Export, Personal
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The days of infancy fly by when you’re a mom with a little one, especially if you have another older sibling under toe! I remember well when my youngest looked up at me with his sweet blue eyes and formed his first smile. My thought, after utter delight and excitement, was, “Wow, we’re there already?” […]

Documenting Baby’s Milestones

Child Photography, Family Photography, Newborn Photography
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Happy New Year!  By now, we’ve all heard about the goals, resolutions, ambitions and expectations so many have put on the year 2017. Perhaps you’ve even made some yourself (and possibly broken them), or perhaps you know without a doubt that this year is going to be good and different. Looking Ahead to 2017 Coming […]

Raleigh newborn photography, NC weddings and 2017

Child Photography, Family Photography, Newborn Photography, Portrait Photography, Wedding Photography
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“This little miss hasn’t taken a good nap today, so I’m not really sure how she’ll do…” Meredith greeted me at her house when I came to photograph her family this fall, and I knew right away she was concerned about her littlest peanut not cooperating well for us. I reassured her that we would […]

A Beautiful Raleigh Family Photography Session

Child Photography, Family Photography, Portrait Photography
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I’d like to wish a very happy anniversary today to this sweet couple!! I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I photographed Mary & Randy’s wedding day! It was blustery and chilly with on and off showers in Ohio (those who live in Ohio know that the weather can change on a dime!), but […]

Celebrating a Year of Memories

Wedding Photography