Business Photography
Newborn Photography
Maternity Photography
Senior Photography


I’M kate! columbia sc branding and portrait photographer


There's nothing that excites me more than making my clients look and feel their best!  I enjoy offering tips to moms and business owners as well as lifting up seniors in one of the most exciting times of their lives.  Dive in to articles below about the Columbia SC and Lexington SC area mixed with client sessions and more. 


Family Photography
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I can’t believe 2013 is already coming to a close and 2014 is just around the corner.  All in all, it’s been a good year, and I always enjoy looking back and remembering favorite sessions that I was blessed to capture.  One of the last sessions I photographed in 2013 was an amazing couple and […]

Anticipation – Celebrating Pregnancy and What’s to Come

Maternity Photography
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Merry Christmas Eve!!  There’s something about the decoration, smell and vibe of Christmas that elicits a sense of hope and prosperity for many, but I also realize the holidays can bring about difficult emotions and feelings from loss or hurt people have experienced in the past.  I hope your Christmas holiday this year is one […]

Spreading Christmas Joy | Ohio Family Photographer

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Pumpkins, leaves & apples, oh my!  There is something pretty special about witnessing a child experience autumn and pumpkins for the first time :)  I had the opportunity to photograph the Sandor family this fall, and we couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day for their session.   I’ve been photographing Maggie since she was […]

A Fall Family | Ohio Family Photographer

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Today is a very special day in our little household.  This time one year ago I was in the hospital anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little boy into the world.  He graced our presence faster than we expected and it was clear that everything was in God’s perfect timing.  Everyone says that time flies, […]

One Year and Counting…

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Phew!  Where has the month of October gone?!?  Fall is one of my busiest times of year getting ready for the holidays and this year was no exception.  This time last year, I was quite pregnant and had taken some time off to prepare for my son’s birth, so when booking sessions this year I […]

Baby Asher – Findlay, OH Baby & Child Photography

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There is something to be said for one’s senior year of high school.  There are a lot of emotions – excitement for what is to come, some anxiousness to leave behind everything that is comfortable and what has always been.  I love getting to know seniors and creating images that showcase them at their best […]

Garry {Class of 2014} – Ohio Senior Portraits

Senior Photography
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I can’t believe how quickly summer went by this year!  I’m excited we’re approaching the crisp days of fall, but I am definitely going to miss those warm days of summer.  Perhaps this year was especially fast because I am a full-time mommy now along with running a business, so downtime no longer exists :)

Summer Into Fall – My Favorite Time of Year | Ohio Portrait Photographer

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There are so many different kinds of photography, and each genre takes a different approach and style.   One of my favorites is weddings – I love doing weddings, mostly because I get to tell a story through my images of something special between two people that is unmatched by any other experience someone will go […]

Katie & Jeremy | Ohio Wedding photographer

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I am so excited to blog about a session I did of the fabulous Elizabeth Weddington of Studio Seventy-Nine :)  It’s not very often I get to photograph fellow photographers, but Elizabeth asked me several months ago (prior to my son’s birth) to get some natural promo shots of her that she could use for […]

Meet Elizabeth

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How many of you can hear a song that takes you back to where you were 20-30 years ago?  We got to do just that a few weeks ago at the Starship Featuring Mickey Thomas concert that was held in Findlay.

Reliving the 80’s with Starship Featuring Mickey Thomas | Findlay Photographer
